A Day in the Life of Cosmo (Part ??)

Cosmo here!

Carrie and Travis asked if I would contribute to the blog again.  Carrie said my fans had been asking for me, so I tried to rearrange me busy schedule to get it done.

Speaking of which, I have been BUSY!  It takes a lot of energy making sure Travis and Carrie are doing everything just right all day each day.  I have to watch them very closely because:
1. I need to know where they are and be right next to them at all times
2. I must make sure they don’t leave me (see number 1)
3. Sometimes they have food and they might need help finishing it
4. In case of emergency, I can jump in and help?
5. I want to be with them in case of emergency (see number 1 and number 2)

There have been lots of visitors lately!  Last week I really enjoyed having Olivia around!  She made sure that I was getting enough attention.  She was such a nice human person girl.  She liked to get down right next to me and hug me and talk to me and rub my ears.  Boy did that feel good!  I love all the extra pats and treats and trips up and down the road to the dock. We even had a big bonfire last week with sticky sugary things that sometimes got dropped on the ground.  It kept me busy just trying to make sure everyone had what they needed and keeping the fire ring tidy.  I love to lay super close and get toasty warm, but I think it makes Travis nervous.

I am happy to report that the frogs have arrived and I have been extra busy counting and chasing them in the afternoon (if it doesn’t interfere with my nap schedule).  The other night after I got in a good frog hunting counting session in, Travis and Carrie tucked me into my bed.  After I had been snoozing for a while, there were all these loud banging noises!  They were coming off the Parker Dock!  I tried to warn everyone! Carrie came to see me and she said it is something called “fireworks” and that it was okay.  Did anyone else hear these loud banging things?  I’m not too sure about them, but I guess they are okay.

Well, Travis is busy working on some good smelling kitchen stuff, so I better go check it out.  And pretty soon the afternoon sun will be in the main lodge, and I can’t be late for that nap!

Cheers! Cosmo

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