Arrival & Departure

Good afternoon everyone!  Since there are bound to be a few new people headed our way this summer we’d like to remind you about our arrival procedures and a slight change to departures for this season.


Saturday Arrival
When you arrive on Saturday the goal is to depart the dock by 2 p.m.  If everyone has arrived and our errands are complete we have been known to take off a bit earlier.  Keep in mind the landing where our barge docks is about three miles away from Red Lake Marine where we will meet you.  It can take some time to get everyone loaded so it is helpful to plan to arrive in town by noon or 1 p.m.  Travis usually starts checking the marina around noon and tries to check back every half-hour or so to lead guests out to the landing.  If your travel schedule requires other arrangements, we need to know ahead of time or ASAP.

Friday Departure
If you are part of a single group in camp you are still welcome to choose your departure time on the following Friday morning between 6-10 a.m.  The change we are implementing this season is a set departure time of 7 a.m. if there are multiple groups in camp.  Unfortunately we don’t have the time or manpower to run multiple trips to town, but we hope that setting the 7 a.m. departure time will facilitate making travel plans for the way home ahead of your trip.

We hope this will at least help the people like me who enjoy meticulously planning their trips.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by email, phone, or in the comments!

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