Don’t be late for dinner!

For those of you familiar with the Eagle Falls Lodge menu schedule, you will know what is for dinner tonight.  For many guests, it is their favorite meal during their stay at the lodge – its FISH FRY NIGHT!

But what does that mean?

First and foremost it means that people have hopefully been out catching fish today and that they have brought back whatever they wish to eat (we typically suggest around 1 fish per person) and have it cleaned and brought up to the kitchen about an hour before supper starts.

It means that Travis (and Cosmo) spend extra time out by the grill frying fresh walleye for all to enjoy.  This season they seem to have some unwanted company every week in the form of mosquitos – yikes!

It means there is usually a line like this once dinner is served:
It means that once everyone gets their plate that it becomes eerily quite in the main lodge.  Like ridiculously so.  People get serious about the fish fry – no chit chat!eating

What else is there to eat as part of this meal?

The delicious side dish lineup includes: baked beans, fried potatoes, cheddar garlic biscuits, coleslaw, and tartar sauce or lemon wedge for your fish.  And for dessert, peach cobbler.  Certainly not a low calorie meal, but what the heck – its vacation!

Wish you could join us tonight!

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