We are again blessed and very thankful to have a camp full of guests. The season remains challenging as Canada still has some border restrictions and the requirement to submit your travel plans through the ArrivCAN app.
The camp was full of long-time repeat guests eager to catch fish and enjoy relaxing at the lodge. Fishing remains challenging as the walleye are continuing to transition to deeper water, pike were being found just about everywhere and the smallmouth bass continues to be caught on both Red lake and Parker Lake.
We had several more Master Anglers caught and released and are headed to a record number caught here at the lodge!

Neither rain, snow, border restrictions, or the ArrivCAN app could stop these guys from coming. they couldn’t wait to fish and enjoy some great home-cooked meals prepared by Jan here at Eagle Falls Lodge.
Enjoy week nine pictures!

As always “Thanks” to everyone for their support as we continue the recovery from the pandemic.
Take care and be safe,
The Holiski’s