After a week of off filled with relaxation, catching up on some odd jobs and a little fishing we returned to two fun-filled weeks of guests. Fishing continues to improve with fish being caught again using lindy rigs and bottom bouncers all tipped with either a nightcrawler or a leach.
Check out all the awesome pictures below!
Bryce with her first master angler pike 42.5 inches caught and released on Parker Lake. Congratulations to her and her dad Mike.Dick nice pike caught and released on Red Lake.Dave with a 43-inch master angler pike caught and released on Red Lake. Congratulations to Dave for his entry into our Master Angler Program.Dick- what a catch, 29 inch Master Angler walleye, our current leader board for the season!!Sue holding a nice stringer of eater walleyes.Mark with a nice Parker smallmouth bass.What a view heading out on Parker Lake.Mark with a nice walleye.Betty, Scott, and Ron sharing some fun time here at the lodge.Mark, Tom, and Ron having a great time!Dave with a nice fat Red Lake pike.Al trying to out do his son Dave with his big pike, caught and released on Red Lake.Al with another nice fat Red Lake walleye.Nicole all smiles with a football sized smallmouth bass.Something we never get tired of our beautiful Canadian sunsets!Tyson enjoying an annual tradition, taking refreshing a plunge into Parker Lake.The Creswell family, cool selfie!!Tyson had a blast even catching this little fighter.Nicole and Paige enjoying some quality time here Eagle Falls Lodge.Tyson out for cruise on Parker Lake.Matt and Tyson nice catch of walleyes for a shoe lunch.What a treat our guests found this guy for daily swim on Red Lake.Tony with a great pike caught on Red Lake.Tony (the other Tony) with his nice pike.Flowers were late in coming but were absolutely this season beautiful.Tyson and his sister Paige heading out for another exciting day of fishing.Carol nice catch!!Augie and Henry after a great week!Red Lake dock full of boats ready for more fishing!Augie with a northern pike!Augie with a nice small-mouth!Henry showing off a walleye!