2016!?!?! It’s still June of 2015!!! Give us a break!!!
I know, I know, I should just appreciate the current moment and live life to the fullest now instead of gazing longingly into the future. Why spend your time thinking of the unknown? But, alas, I married a very calculating, level-headed, long-term planner who wanted me to refresh our loyal followers about 2 things:
1. How our reservation system works
2. The upcoming calendar shift that takes place in 2016 (tomorrow’s post)
Lets begin, shall we?
How our reservation system works
We operate on the philosophy that those who have committed to coming up for a week in the current season should have the first chance of reserving the same spot for the next season. This is just a small way we can say thank you to our loyal guests.
For example, if you are headed up the 1st week of August, which is the 11th week of our season you will have the option to be penciled in for the same corresponding week in 2016. At the end of your trip this year, you can indicate “Yes, I’ll be back!” and we will write your name on our 2016 schedule. Come January, your deposit is due, and you are all set.
If you were already here in June, but are wishing to switch to an August week we can also write your name down (on a separate list we lovingly title “the shifters”) and once that week has passed and if there are slots available we will write you in on the 2016 schedule for your newly preferred week. Again, deposit due in January and you are all set.
If you have never been to Eagle Falls and are hoping to come in June, you should certainly get a hold of us and let us know when you are hoping to come. If that week has already passed for 2015, we can quickly confirm if there are any immediate openings. If so, we write you on our 2016 schedule. If not, we put you on our waiting list, and contact you if and when something becomes available.
We don’t require any deposits until January, but we strive to get a good idea of who is planning on returning and who wants to shift around so we can offer remaining availability to those on the waiting list as quickly as possible. In the fall, our availability page will be updated to reflect what openings remain for 2016.
Our goal has always been to reward loyal guests, provide the opportunity to as many new guests as possible, and keep everyone happy. Easy, right?
Check back tomorrow – I’ll be discussing what all this has to do with the calendar shift next year.