We have enjoyed A LOT of bonfires these last few weeks. Sparked partially by an abundance of wood to burn (more on that later) but also from the desire to intentionally slow down and enjoy ourselves.
It is practically impossible not to relax and take a moment when sitting in front of a bonfire. It captures you in a totally different way. As we sat by the bonfire a few days ago I was struck by the realization that in a few short days – moments really – the season would be over. Yesterday we loaded up our last group, and just like that they left. The end catches us off guard every season. When we arrive in May, there is such a feeling of abundance. Abundance of daylight, time, possibility, maple cream cookies, you name it. And with a few blinks, September knocks us out of it and it is time to pack the last bits away.
I think Cosmo recognizes this as well. He snuggled up by the fire right along with us. For those of you who join us each summer, you know he doesn’t like to stray too far away from either me or Travis. He loves the warmth of the fire. But I’d like to think he loves it more for what it represents. A moment where we finally slow down, just like he likes, and appreciate all that we have. Everything we have done and everything we have to look forward to in the future.
This feeling of appreciation is 100% due to all the wonderful folks that visit each summer and make our season what it is. We can’t thank you all enough. We know you have a choice in where and who you fish with each year and we are honored to have you at Eagle Falls Lodge. So, thanks.
Travis, Cosmo and I will be spending the next few days sleeping in, taking naps, fishing, reading, and generally doing whatever we wish. Not a far deviation from Cosmo’s usual schedule – ha! Happy weekend!