A common question we get here at the lodge is “Does Cosmo get to go out in the boats?” The short answer is NO. This is because he tends to jump right out. With absolutely no warning. I mean zero. You can be cruising across the water at 20-30 mph and bloop, right off the side he goes. And at this point he requires a fair amount of assistance getting back in. He is no spring chicken and to haul all 90 lbs out of the water is no picnic. So he usually has to stay behind. Don’t get us wrong, he LOVES going for a boat ride, and often will hang out in a boat on the dock while we are working on cleaning or gassing boats.
Well, Travis made Cosmo’s day when he invited him to assist in dumping scraps this week. Such a helpful puppy boy. It went about how we expected, but he was all smiles the whole time so I think it was worth it. You can see below just how much fun Cosmo had in the boat (and in the water) as he got to spend some extra special quality time with his favorite guy, Travis.
Here it comes…
I mean, look at that smile!
All is well that ends well, I suppose. Happy Friday, you guys! And gals!