It’s early August and if you are still awaiting your trip to Eagle Falls Lodge we have an update on the walleye fishing. We are seeing good numbers of eater size walleye and fish in the low to mid 20s. Fish in the upper 20s are still few and far between.
The curious thing has been the variety in depths. Nice sized fish (22-25″) are being caught in 6-8′ of water on the weed edges in the bays and also in 15-30′ of water on mid-lake structure. That’s a pretty big span of water to cover. Surface water temps are hovering around 70 on Red so not too abnormal. We’ll see if the big fish stay in the weeds through the month.
Anglers are back-trolling lindy rigs or bottom bouncers with 3/8 oz. to 1/2 oz. weights. Don’t know what lindy rigs are? Learn more here – Casting or vertical jigging 1/4 oz. jigs with twister tails tipped with live bait is also productive. We’ve had plenty of sun lately so bright colors have been the ticket – yellow, white, orange, and pink. Nightcrawlers are also edging out leeches in the live bait dept.
Not sure if anyone will catch Tom DeBrosse and his 29.5″ Walter catch. Less than six weeks remain in the season to find out.