We aim to please!

Spoiler alert: There is a super cute picture of Cosmo at the end of this post.

Happy Friday everyone!

We are so humbled by how many returning and new guests have continued to contact us asking, begging, and PLEADING to make a reservation for 2014.  Our gut reaction is to say yes, come on up!  We’d love to have you!  The more the merrier!  There is plenty of room!   At this point in lodge ownership we certainly view each and every one of you as friends and family and we just hate to miss out on seeing you guys because of a tiny detail such as “no availability”.  Am I right?

Then we remember that some people prefer sleeping in their own beds, with room for their stuff.  Oh, and there is the whole issue of having enough boats with seats and motors.  Picky picky 🙂  I do occasionally get blinded by terrifying visions of never ending piles of dirty dishes – so there is that to contend with as well.

Don’t get us wrong – we absolutely love the intimate size of Eagle Falls Lodge and certainly believe the smaller scale operation is part of what makes the trip so great.  We have NO intention of making a larger camp with more cabins, more boats, more, more, more.  We certainly don’t see that as the answer.  But, here at the Mack house we pride ourselves on not just talking about problems, but talking about SOLUTIONS!

So, for now, our solution is to add on another week to the 2014 season.  More fall fishing action is going to happen, people!  Don’t miss out.  Its going to go fast.  If you, or someone you know, has been waiting for some excellent news of the fishing variety, this is it!

Don’t hesitate to contact us:
Travis’ cell: 417-522-3163
Carrie’s cell:417-827-2673

In the meantime, Cosmo will just be doing more of this:


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