Well folks, another week has come and gone already. This group’s rain gear was well tested during the first half of the week. It would be sunny one minute and then we’d be in a down pour the next. Everyone finally got the chance to dry out their rain gear (and shoes, and socks, and hats, and and and….) on Wednesday and Thursday. The bluebird days made the fishing a little more challenging. But as the pictures show below everyone still had a great time!
Nice job everyone!
We had our youngest angler of the season so far up this week. Jeffrey and his dad Shawn made their first trip up to Eagle Falls and certainly had a good time. They actually live in our neighborhood back in Illinois, so it was a lot of fun to get to know them. Jeffrey is only 8 years old and was such a trooper for his inaugural week long fishing trip! He was out there in the rain, in the sun, and always came in with a full report of their daily adventures. It is so fun to see the kiddos make it up! Jeffrey had a blast – catching fish, catching frogs, ringing the dinner bell, hiking on the goldmine trails, eating smores by the bonfire, and staying up late! I think everyone in camp really enjoyed sharing their week with such a fun kid. Thanks for coming, Jeffrey!
Here he is enjoying a root beer float (which he later admitted it actually being TOO big!)
I’m off to run errands in town and get ready for the next crew tomorrow!