So, here is the thing….
I have a definite love/hate relationship with donuts. Any and all donuts. My best strategy is to avoid walking in the vicinity of any place that offers them. This becomes extra challenging if they are giving AWAY donuts. Don’t get me wrong, I will treat myself every now and again, but I can polish off a baker’s dozen in no time flat.
Last summer Red Lake, Ontario got their very own Tim Horton’s restaurant (read: donut heaven). This is a fairly widespread Canadian franchise restaurant that specializes in (you guessed it) donuts. I’d say it wasn’t until last July that this became a real problem for me. Tim Horton’s is located on your way out of town (heading towards Vermillion Bay) so on a typical town day I wouldn’t even go by it. I need to find more town errands on this end of town so I can enjoy them more often.
I would highly suggest to everyone coming up to see us that they check it out for themselves.
Here at the Eagle Falls Lodge we have affectionately started calling it “Timbit Town”. Hehe. For you poor souls out there that are thinking “what the heck is a tidbit?” let me tell you. Timbit’s are the equivalent of a donut hole – and at “Timbit Town” you can get 40 of them for like 6 dollars. I told you this was trouble.
Now, if donut holes aren’t your thing they have lots of other delicious looking donuts, pastries, muffins, etc. And coffee, of course. They also serve actual meals, but who am I kidding. (Side note: Travis will tell you that their breakfast sandwiches are delicious and the lunch is good as well.)
So, to review…
Please report back with any and all suggestions as to what I should have on my next visit.
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